To Match Our Average CLIENT’S ROI In The S&P 500, It Would Take Over 33 Years
Our Programmes Produce Better Business Owners That Get Better Results
* Based on the average S&P 500 annual return of 7.52% over the previous 30 year period
Programme Comparison
Every quarter 50 of the brightest and fastest growing small businesses from the United Kingdom and across Europe get together as part of our CEO Mastermind programme.
We share what’s working now, as well as get into any problems that are holding you back, to propel you forward in the next quarter in a profitable and sustainable way.
These meetings consist of highly successful business owners (no start-ups allowed). The participants of this mastermind feed off each other’s success and knowledge every quarter in an environment specifically designed to promote critical thinking, remove distractions, and breed success.
When you look at big companies, you will find they have a board of directors which is where the strategic thinking level conversations takes place.
Most small companies don’t have that advice and insight, so we recreate this powerful strategic experience in this programme.
You will be placed into a small group with Dan and other hand-picked, experienced business owners.
Each quarter you will meet to present your numbers, plan and any issues you are currently experiencing. Then your Board of Advisors will go to work to refine your plan and solve your problems.
We live and die by the numbers
We know our business inside-out
Our businesses are predictable and sustainable
We know our finances
We know when to hire and when to fire
We know where, and how to get help from people that have been there and done that
We are driven, motivated, and held accountable
We use our business as an asset to create personal wealth and the lifestyle that we want
Discover how our programmes help you scale your company more quickly AND sustainably

Here’s what a client said upon finishing his first day’s training in our programme:
“Wow, that’s just paid for itself already. Dan’s ability to get to the root of the problem and then immediately diagnose exactly the strategy to solve it is phenomenal. Super excited to get back to the office now. Worth its weight in Gold.”
Dan Bradbury is the owner of a private equity group and his primary focus is as an investor who specialises in taking companies already producing multiple six figures in revenue and accelerates their growth to over 10 million.
His love of numbers and finances is what sets him apart and allows him to find the hidden assets and weaknesses within the businesses that he invests in and the business owners that he consults.
He started out with nothing and built himself up from the ground up.
Dan has over 15 years of business experience in a huge range of industries. He has founded, built and sold two companies for seven figures and has invested in over a dozen other companies on top of the five businesses that he has purchased outright.
Dan specialty is maximising the value of a business, whether it be simply to keep the business and reap the rewards or to exit the business for a big payout he has done on seven different ocasions.
Einstein famously described the effect of compounding as the eighth wonder of the world, and nowhere is this truer than inside your business. Just because our clients averaged an increase in profit of £176,201 in the last year* don’t let that fool you. Our programmes are about putting in the right tools, people and systems, to allow your company to scale without being dependent on you. This is about improving YOU as a business owner and building assets that you will reap the rewards from for years to come.
Many of our clients have been in our programmes for 3, 4 or even 5+ years as their results have compounded. When Rob Stone started with us 3 years ago his annual revenue was just £300,000 and he was barely breaking even. Since that time he’s grown by more than 20x to £6,500,000+, is highly profitable and has gone from a team of 3 to a team of 50+ nation wide.
Chris Matthews started working with us back in 2010 just as he opened his first medically supervised weight loss clinic in Newcastle. He now owns a national chain with over 30 clinics in the network and mid-seven-figure revenues.
When Gianni Commessatti joined the programme, his renewable energy business was losing money. He turned it around, making seven-figure PROFITS before selling the company to international firm EDF.
Programme In Profit ROI
Private Consulting £227,400 631.67%
Board of Advisors £187,004 1038.91%
CEO Mastermind £114,200 1142.00%
Average Revenue Increase £357,652
Average Profit Increase £176,201
Return on Investment % 1065.73%
Return on Investment per £ £10.66
* Pre-tax. Correct as of August 2019 for the preceding 12 month period