3rd-4th December 2024
Wealthy Entrepreneur Workshop
From 7 Figure Revenue to 8 Figure Net Worth and Beyond

Your Next £10M: Unlock Rapid Personal Wealth Growth
From £1m to £10m in the next 3 years

Advanced Tax Tactics to Keep Your Cash

How I sold my business for £53m in cash
Nigel Shanahan – The £53M Success Story and Social Impact Innovator

Good Debt, Bad Debt: How to Borrow Like the Ultra Wealthy

Unlock Your Biggest Payday

Protect Your Legacy

How to Change the World with your Idea
Jeremy Gilley MBE – Master Connector and Global Peace Pioneer

Network & Connect with 50 of the Fastest Growing Businesses in the United Kingdom
Call Elleanor at +44 7883 296552 or email elleanor@danbradbury.com if you need help.
Meet Your Host
Dan Bradbury

Dan will help unlock the full potential of your business.
Dan currently has six actively trading businesses in a variety of different industries (Health & Fitness, Digital Marketing, Publishing, Training and Finance). That’s on top of the two businesses that he has sold for over 7 figures each. He has this business because he enjoys taking small businesses and watching them grow and become more profitable and less dependent on the owner.
Even though Dan has all of that knowledge and experience to share, one man never has all of the answers. That’s why our main purpose is to bring highly successful small business owners together to help and guide each other.
Dan and his team will help you focus on future-proofing your business, plugging the profit leaks, and driving long-term profitable growth.
Requirements to Attend
Your business must be earning or on track to hit at least £1m annual revenue. This is not for startups. You must have an established business to attend.
Call Elleanor at +44 7883 296552 or email elleanor@danbradbury.com if you need help.