Sanity Session

Diagnose, Stratigise and Apply

Discover and Apply the Very Same 10-Step Process I Have Used to Grow, Buy and Sell Dozens of 7 and 8 Figure businesses

Zoom Consulting Session With Dan Bradbury

To put it simply the Sanity Session is a 2 hour Zoom call that can be done one-to-one or in a small group of 8 or less to analyse your business and help you develop a plan of attack to maximise your profit while minimizing your time in day-to-day operations.

How a Sanity Session Can Get You Results

These are the same 3 basic steps I use with my private consulting clients to get results fast

DIAGNOSE - 40 Point Diagnosis of Your Business

Using the same criteria that I use when researching a new business for purchase or investment I developed a 40-point diagnostic.

Prior to the Sanity Session we will send you a few tools that will guide you step-by-step through the process to give me the answers I need to analyse your company. You should be able to complete this process in under 20 minutes. 

STRATIGISE - The 10 Core Areas for Improvement

On the Sanity Session, after a few initial follow up questions about you and your business, I will guide you through my process for extracting all of the potential and profit out of your business while removing you as a bottle-neck to give you more time to operate as a owner of the business and not an employee.

APPLY - The Correct Strategies to YOUR Business for Maximum Results in Minimal Time

This is the part that will get you results fast. Here we are going look at how to apply the growth strategies to your specific business. You will discover which strategies will deliver the biggest impact on YOUR business and in what order to execute them.

These 3 Steps Result In….

More Profit and More Stability

Dan is not just interesting in growing revenue. While that’s great for large businesses looking to increase their stock prices, growing too fast can often have a negative effect on small businesses in the low 8 figures or less. Have you ever had a year where your revenue went up and your profit went down?

It’s more important to increase the profit and stability of the company so it is prepared for growth. Profits can be reinvested to create significant growth once the business has the correct infrastructures and key performance indicators in place.

More Time & Less Dependency On You

Removing yourself from daily operations (in part or fully) allows more of your time to be focused on strategic thinking and execution. In turn, this will result in more profit and a more valuable business that is less dependent on you.

If you can create an environment where you are working on the business and not in it, you will annihilate the competition because other businesses owners simply won’t do it.

How the Sanity Session Was Developed?

As an investor and business consultant you must be rigorous in your research of a company and be able to accurately identify not only the value of a business but the potential for growth and profitability.

This is a skill that I have developed over the last 18 years by building, buying and selling many 7 figure businesses as well as consulting for many 7 and 8 figure business.

During this time I developed my 10-step process for analysing the 10 areas of a business that have the biggest impact on profits and losses. Optimising these areas is the magic formula for building a sustainable highly profitable business that is not dependent on any one individual (especially the owner).

My specialty is profit margins. I’m very proud to be able to say that I have taken many private consulting clients to 7 and even 8 figure profits.

The Sanity session is derived from my motto “Turnover is Vanity, Profit is Sanity, Cash is King”.

In your Sanity Session I will treat your business the same as if I’m an investing my own money and take your through the same detailed steps I would take to get an ROI.


Prescription, Before Diagnosis is Malpractice

That’s why a 40-Point business diagnostic is completed and studied by Dan prior to each Sanity Session 

If a doctor were to prescribe you a drug before conducting a proper analysis and giving you a diagnosis…. he would be very quickly be stuck off the medical register and prevented from practicing medicine.

Why? Because prescription, before diagnosis is malpractice.

In other words, If he doesn’t take the time to assess what the actual problem is and consequently gives you the wrong treatment, it could cause you serious harm… even kill you!

And yet that’s what most business owners do all the time.

They jump to conclusions as to what they think the problem is and therefore usually spend an inordinate amount of time and money on solving the problem that ISN’T.

Read that last sentence again, let it sink in.

You can run as fast as you want. If you’re running east, looking for a sunset you will fail.

Are you currently looking east for a solution in your business?

Most business owners end up getting the same problems over and over because they never properly address the root cause. The are trying to fix the situation by solving the problem that ISN’T rather than the real problem.

In a Sanity Session (and in the prep work) I take the time to more carefully analyse the situation and make sure you are coming up with a solution that fixes the root cause. Then you won’t have to deal with the same problem endlessly.

The doctor will see you now…

How Much is a Sanity Session Worth to Me?

If you’re even the slightest bit interested in attending one of my 2-hour long Zoom Sanity sessions, then that’s the question that you have to be asking yourself.

The very same question you have to ask yourself about every decision or investment that you make as a business owner.

How much return on investment will I get if any at all?

An ROI doesn’t have to always be cash. It can mean different things to different people.

Most business owners that I’ve helped have had a specific frustration that they desperately want solved. It could be profit, employees, time and many more.

How much would it be worth to you if we were able to pinpoint and solve YOUR one specific problem?

That’s the reason that I created these Sanity Sessions. So I can get to know you and your business and taylor the call to your specific needs.

The short answer is – it will be worth many times more than the £197 price tag or I will happily refund you.

Learn the Same Strategies Used By Our Members and Replicate Their Results

“The business is flourishing. We are turning over around about three and a half to 4 million, and making about one and a half million profit.”

– Nick Bolton

“I’ve gone from -4% net profit to 37% profit in four years, and it’s been unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable”

– Alison Boyle

“In November last year we did our first million pound month”

– Salvatore Notaro

“A year and a half later and we’ve increased net profit by 12,600%.”

– Georgia Kirke

“Profit wise we were making half a million at the time when I first joined Dan…

Fast forward to where we are today and last year was just under two and a half million in clear profit”

– Paul Gough

“When I first started with Dan we were doing around £40K a month in revenue. We’re now doing 10 times that figure”

– Chris Mathews

Click here to view full case studies of these members and many more.

How to Get Your Existing Business to and Beyond 7 Figure PROFITS

A I said before, the Sanity Session is about getting to know you and your business.

This isn’t to figure out which strategies to apply to your business.

It’s about how to correctly apply proven strategies correctly to your unique business to get the maximum impact.

I have a 10-point system that I have developed in the last 15 years that works with every business that is already doing at least £250k annually (as long as it’s profitable).

If you’ve read my book Turnover Is Vanity, Profit Is Sanity: 9 1/2 Steps to Improving Your Profits & Cashflow then you already know the strategies that you need to grow your business AND your profit at the same time.

This is the very same system that I have used to grow multiple 7 figure businesses, buy 7 figure business and help my consulting clients to reach 7 figure profits and beyond.

The difficult bit isn’t knowing the system or the strategies. You can get that in my book for only £2.99 (kindle version).

The difficult bit is applying those simple strategies to complex businesses.

Unfortunately, this is something that can only be gained with experience.

In my first five years of being a business owner I had my fair share of failures while using the “right strategies” in the wrong circumstances. Some of them nearly bankrupt me.

If I would have only had someone that had been there and done it to personally guide me, I could have save a lot of time and money.


Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the most common questions about Sanity Sessions and answers to those questions.

When is it?

Your Sanity Session will be scheduled based on your availability. Once you book, you will be contacted and your Sanity Session scheduled.

Where is it?

Your Sanity Session will be on Zoom (video and audio conferencing) so you can attend from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

How long does a Sanity Session Last?

Sanity Sessions typically last around 2 hours.

How much is it?

A Sanity Session is £197 + VAT if done in groups of 3-5 business owners. For private sessions with Dan, the price is £1,997 + VAT and 100% of the focus is on you and your business.

What will I get out of it?

Dan will guide you through his 10 step process for optimising a business’s profit, learn about your business, and help you apply those stratgies specifically to your specific needs.

If you take it seriously and follow Dan’s advice you are likely to walk away with a plan to dramatically improve your business and increase your profits.

What do you get out of it? If it's so great, then why is it only £197?

The Sanity Sessions are a first step for us to get to know you and your business.

If you are a good fit then you will be invited to join one of our mastermind programmes.

Our Mastermind Programmes consist of highly successful business influencers (no start-ups allowed). The members of this mastermind feed off each others success and knowledge every quarter in an environment specifically designed to promote critical thinking, remove distractions, and breed success.

Within this elite group, each member is held accountable to continually improve their business, which creates a competitive environment that restores the drive and motivation within the business owner.

Our mastermind programmes cost between £12,000 and £45,000 + VAT per year.

The £197 fee is just a qualifier to make sure that you are serious about your success.

What happens after I book a Sanity Session?

Once you book your Sanity Session. You will be contacted by Gabriella Lynn. She will help you schedule the time and date.

Do I qualify for a Sanity Session? Who is this for?

Sanity Sessions are for businesses earning a minimum of £250,000 annual revenue.

We have programmes range from £250k to £30m.

Success Mastermind
£250k to £10m

Private Mastermind
£2m to £10m

Private Consulting
£2m to £30m

I have more questions, can I talk to someone before I buy?

If you still have questions contact Be sure to include your phone number and the best time to call.

Book Your Sanity Session Below

You will be contacted by phone to schedule your individual session 

Schedule Your Call

Enter your contact information below and we will get in touch to schedule your call.


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