Find An Extra £100k Hiding In Your Existing Business
On this 2 hour 1-1 Zoom call, I will take my 3-part company valuation model and use it as a lens to analyse your existing business and discover the low-hanging fruit that will result in an extra £100k of pure profit in your business… all for a small donation and from the comfort of your own home.
Once you’ve made your donation, a member of our team will contact you to schedule your Sanity Session for the most convenient time for you.
Our profits have over doubled and the cashflow and the cash in the bank is massively more comfortable than it was before.
We were taking a loss and we didn’t even realize it because we didn’t understand our finances.
Profit wise we were making half a million at the time when I first joined Dan… Last year was just under two and a half million in clear profit.
Your Profit Problems Can Be Found & Solved With A Few Small Tweaks
There’s at least £100,000 in extra profit hiding inside your business right now, and I’m going to show you where to find it, and you don’t have to pay me a single penny.
If you’re making £1,000,000 or more in revenue, what could you do with an extra £8k per month, in cash, in your pocket?
I’m willing to bet that £8K is staring you in the face but you can’t see it because you’re looking in the wrong place.
But it’s not your fault. I was guilty of this oversight in my own business for 5 years and it wasn’t until a mentor turned my head in the right direction that I found my hidden extra cash… and I can help you do that as well.
As a business owner you are constantly being bombarded with the next big thing.
“The Greatest New System That’s Going To 10X Your Revenue.”
It comes in the form of workshops, online courses, books and software.
These GURUS sell you their complete business system for the small fee of £97 with a value of over £10,000 pounds.
And IT WON’T WORK. At least not for you. It’s generic, made for startups and the worst thing is as a sophisticated business owner, you will have to sift through hours upon hours of shit you already know just hoping to find a hidden gem that actually applies to your current situation.
If you have made it to £1m+ in annual revenue, then trying to implement some Guru’s complicated system or model can be detrimental to your business.
All you really need is to learn to recognise the strengths & weaknesses in your existing business and make small changes to optimise your performance and profits.
This is where I can help.
Schedule Your Sanity Session Today
Once you’ve made your donation, a member of our team will contact you to schedule your Sanity Session at the most convenient time for you.
It’s Simple, I’m Going To Examine Your Business As I Would Any Investment, Then Tell You What I Would Do To Increase The Profit
Unlike those Gurus whose only business is teaching business, I’ve built, bought, or sold 12 different companies with revenues well into 8 figures, and I did all that before I was 35.
I still own 5 active companies, and I do know 2 things:
1. Every business is unique and it CANNOT reach its full potential by following some generic paint by numbers system.
2. I’m very busy. My time is valuable and I bet yours is too.
Do you really have the free time to take a 40 hour online course, much less the time to try and sift through the 10 additional bonuses that came with the programme?
What you need is someone that knows business, knows how to identify problem areas as well as the opportunities to find extra profit hiding in plain sight.
The problem is the only person that currently knows your business that well is you.
This presents an even bigger problem.
It usually rears it’s ugly little head in the form of Misdiagnosis. When you try to fix your own problems you tend to have bias toward your strengths and ignore your weaknesses.
I’ll give you an example:
When I was 21, I started my first business and it failed miserably.
I had a great product. A course to teach speed reading to kids. At the time, I happened to be ranked as the 3rd fastest reader in the world.
And yet, the business crashed and burned. I managed to rack up an astonishing £109k in personal debt in less than a year. As my Dad told me at the time, “that takes a special kind of stupid.”
Once I finally closed the doors, I was determined not to make the same mistake again.
I started educating myself on sales and marketing and it became my obsession – and it worked.
My next business took off like a rocket and I quickly reached £1m in annual revenue.
But that’s when even greater problems started.
I had clients wanting refunds, employees quitting, unexpected expenses, legal issues and my finances were in disarray due to a poor choice of an accountant.
How do you think I tried to solve these problems?
More marketing and more sales to get more money!
I thought that with more money I could pay for the problems to go away.
If the only tool you have is a hammer then you begin to see everything as a nail.
Needless to say it didn’t work, however, eventually I found the solution.
I found a very successful mentor that had been in business for a long time that had worked with 100s of business owners and paid him a shed load of money to meet with me.
Within an hour of our first meeting he was able to open my eyes to see my business in a way that I never could before.
He gave me a few small tweaks that made a BIG impact, I doubled my revenue and trebled my profits in just one year.
This is when I fell in love with all areas of business. I started developing my skills to go beyond just a business owner and become an investor.
Schedule Your Sanity Session Today
Once you’ve made your donation, a member of our team will contact you to schedule your Sanity Session at the most convenient time for you.
When you make business decisions through the eyes of an investor you would be shocked at how differently you behave inside your own company.
That is exactly what I’m going to show you in this session.
I want to help you uncover that extra £100k in profit and cash the same way my mentor did for me.
That’s why I developed the Sanity Session. It’s quite simple but very powerful, because I’m going to take the time to learn about your company before we meet.
The magic of these sessions is not only in what I tell you – but in the questions I ask to reveal your best thinking. Thinking you are most likely blind to because you are too close to the problem.
All Of These Business Breakthroughs Came In A Single Sanity Session

What Qualifies Me to Make Such a Big Claim About Your Business?
I started my first business in 2003 and since then I’ve started 7 other businesses.
I’ve also bought, merged and sold over a dozen companies with multiple 7-figure exits.
But more importantly for you, I’ve mentored hundreds of entrepreneurs over the past 16 years and the results speak for themselves.
Here’s A Sample of Some of My Clients…

Ricky Singh
Reached 7th on the Sunday Times Fast 100 List

Clate Mask
Grew From A Standing Start To Well Over £100m In Revenue

James Calderbank
FSB Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2022

Rob Stone
Great British Business Awards Male Entrepreneur of the Year 2023
The Sanity Session Was Born Out Of Proven Results
The name is based on my Book Turnover is Vanity, Profit is Sanity and the session was born because I kept hearing the same thing over and over from my Private Clients.
My private clients pay me £60,000 per year and I mentor them twice per month. That comes out to £2,500 per call. And in 2022 82% of those clients renewed their contracts for another year
After the first session, there’s about a 1 in 3 chance that before the call ends I hear these all too familiar words: “That just paid for my entire year”.
That first session is always a Sanity Session.
In the first half of the session I’ll share with you a 3 part model that makes a direct impact on the valuation of your company. Then, we will use that model as a lens to analyze your business and I promise you will see your business in a way you’ve never considered before.
In the second half, we will discuss how to implement the easiest and most impactful ways to find the low hanging fruit and get that cash in your pocket.
I want to do the same thing for you, but it’s not going to cost you the £60k to join my private consulting programme.
I’m not even going to ask you to pay the per call fee of £2,500.
Make A Small Donation To One of My Favourite Children’s Charities To Get Your Sanity Session For Free
All I’m asking is that you make a donation to one of my favorite charities and that you meet the criteria for the call.
The criteria is simple. You have to be doing at least £1M in annual revenue. This just won’t work if you’re under that.
Also, you need to meet with one of my employees before the call to get the prep work. You have to do the prep questions or it’s a waste of my time and yours. I need to know about your business BEFORE we meet.
If you want to do a private, one on one Sanity Session, the donation that you need to make is £500. If you want to do it in a small group, we ask that you make a £20 donation.
You Get To Choose Between These Charities

Birmingham Children’s Hospital saved my eldest daughter’s life when she was born. We’ve raised over £47k for this charity and I’ll continue to support them as long as I’m alive.

The Young Enterprise partnership of teachers, volunteers, supporters and staff engage young people all over the UK to help them to develop their business, financial and entrepreneurial capabilities.
My No Risk Guarantee
If You Don’t Absolutely Love Your Sanity Session, I’ll Refund Your Donation aND Personally Donate DOUBLE Your Amount In Your Name
Once you have completed the Sanity Session, if, for any reason, you don’t think that you have been provided with a strategy to add a least £100k to your bottom line or even if you didn’t like it for any reason, just let me know and not only will I refund your donation but I’ll make a donation to the same charity for DOUBLE the amount you pledged in your name.
There’s no risk to you whatsoever and there’s really only 3 possible outcomes.
ONE – You get a business breakthrough and add a minimum of £100k pure profit per year to your business. You decide you want us to continue to work together on a regular basis. We both win.
TWO – You get a business breakthrough and add a minimum of £100k pure profit per year to your business and you decide you want to do it on your own.
THREE – You don’t like what you hear, you get a refund, and I double the amount you pledged (and the original donation still goes to the charity of your choice!)
That’s my Guarantee. You can’t lose.
Once you’ve made your donation, a member of our team will contact you to schedule your Sanity Session at the most convenient time for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find the most common questions about Sanity Sessions and answers to those questions.
When is it?
Your Sanity Session will be scheduled based on your availability. Once you book, you will be contacted by a member of my team to schedule your Sanity Session.
Where is it?
Your Sanity Session will be on Zoom (video and audio conferencing) so you can attend from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
How long does a Sanity Session Last?
Sanity Sessions typically last around 2 hours.
How much is it?
All I ask is that you make a donation to one of my favorite charities. A donation of £500 will get you a 1-1 Sanity Session with me. If you prefer to be in a group setting, you will only need to make a £20 donation.
What will I get out of it?
In the first half of the session I’ll share with you a 3 part model that makes a direct impact on the valuation of your company. Then, we will use that model as a lens to analyze your business and I promise you will see your business in a way you’ve never considered before.
During the second half, we will discuss how to implement the easiest and most impactful ways to find the low hanging fruit and get that cash in your pocket.
The goal is to find you an extra £100k within your existing business by making small improvements.
What do you get out of it? If it's so great, then why aren't you charging more?
I hold private and group Sanity Sessions for business owners like you for three reasons.
ONE – I’m a data freak. I love dissecting the inner workings of unique businesses by creating a good business analysis spreadsheet.
TWO – A lot of the people I help in these Sanity Sessions go on to become clients when spots become available.
and THREE – To help raise money for my 2 favorite charities.
What happens after I book a Sanity Session?
Once you book your Sanity Session you will be contacted by Gabriella Lynn. She will help you schedule the time and date.
Do I qualify for a Sanity Session? Who is this for?
Sanity Sessions are for businesses earning a minimum of £1 million annual revenue.
I have more questions, can I talk to someone before I donate?
If you still have questions contact Be sure to include your phone number and the best time to call.
Schedule Your Sanity Session Today
Once you’ve made your donation, a member of our team will contact you to schedule your Sanity Session at the most convenient time for you.

“The business is flourishing. We are turning over around about three and a half to 4 million, and making about one and a half million profit.”
– Nick Bolton

“I’ve gone from -4% net profit to 37% profit in four years, and it’s been unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable.”
– Alison Boyle

“In November last year we did our first million pound month.”
– Salvatore Notaro

“A year and a half later and we’ve increased net profit by 12,600%.”
– Georgia Kirke

“Profit wise we were making half a million at the time when I first joined Dan…
Fast forward to where we are today and last year was just under two and a half million in clear profit.”
– Paul Gough

“When I first started with Dan we were doing around £40K a month in revenue. We’re now doing 10 times that figure.”
– Chris Mathews