December 6th-7th, 2022
The 4 Reasons Our Mastermind Averages a 1065% ROI
An Environment That Breeds Success
Find Your Next Partner, Client and Mentor All in the Same Place

Every quarter 50 of the brightest and fastest growing small businesses from the United Kingdom and across Europe get together as part of our Success Mastermind programme.
We share what’s working now, as well as get into any problems that are holding you back, to propel you forward in the next quarter in a profitable and sustainable way.
These meetings consist of highly successful business owners (no start-ups allowed). The participants of this mastermind feed off each other’s success and knowledge every quarter in an environment specifically designed to promote critical thinking, remove distractions, and breed success.
Within this elite group, each person is held accountable to continually improve their business, which creates a competitive environment that ignites and restores their drive and motivation to an all-time high.
If You’re Cut from The Same Cloth and Want to Rub Shoulders with Other World Class Entrepreneurs, Then You’re Invited
We invite a small handful of guests to come along and experience a Success Mastermind meeting for themselves before deciding whether to commit to the programme. If you are interested in knowing more about this exclusive group, apply for a spot to find out more.
The Real Power Behind These Meetings Are The People Attending Them

Our Members are a Higher Caliber
We don’t allow start-ups in our group. These are real business owners with real-world experience that have already successfully built a sustainable, profitable business. But it doesn’t end there, these entrepreneurs are still hungry to learn, grow and keep getting better at what they do best. You’re not going to be hearing about “business ideas” here. You’re going to be learning from people that have actually been there and done that.
The Businesses are Diverse
Many have got seven, eight, and in one case nine-figure revenues and seven or eight figure profits.

Our Members Get Results
This isn’t just a programme where you get one-way communication. We are involved in your business. We track the results of each and every member quarterly. Our members are held accountable and the results speak for themselves. Success Mastermind members see an average ROI of 114,200.00% which ends up being £10.66 per every £1 invested in the programme. The longer they stay they higher that number gets.
Our Members Stick Around
If you decide to join us be prepared to stick around because our average membership length is an unheard of 3 years and growing. On average, the longer someone stays with us, the better their results. We have members that have been with us over 6 years. This is especially impressive when you consider the fact that we will not allow you to renew if you have not been adding value to the group.

Meet Your Host
Dan Bradbury

Dan will help unlock the full potential of your business.
Dan currently has six actively trading businesses in a variety of different industries (Health & Fitness, Digital Marketing, Publishing, Training and Finance). That’s on top of the two businesses that he has sold for over 7 figures each. He has this business because he enjoys taking small businesses and watching them grow and become more profitable and less dependent on the owner.
Even though Dan has all of that knowledge and experience to share, one man never has all of the answers. That’s why our main purpose is to bring highly successful small business owners together to help and guide each other.
If you want to surround yourself with highly successful business owners, then you’re in the right place.
Dan and his team will help you focus on future-proofing your business, plugging the profit leaks, and driving long-term profitable growth.
Member Mantra

We live and die by the numbers
We know our business inside-out
Our businesses are predictable and sustainable
We are financially literate
We know when to hire and when to fire
We know where and how to get help from people that have been there and done that
We are driven, motivated, and held accountable
We use our business as an asset to create personal wealth and the lifestyle that we want
Become a Better Business Owner
Here’s What You Can Expect At your first meeting…
An Environment that Promotes Strategic Thinking and Motivation to Get Results

Action Items, Goals and Targets

Focus on Profit, Not Revenue

Strategic Sessions with Peers

Learning Sessions with Experts
Each quarter we have 2 expert guest speakers who share specific business growth strategies with you and have an open Q&A for you to get your specific business questions answered.
Some of Our Previous Expert Guests…

Jay Abraham
The 21.7 Billion Dollar Man

Clate Mask
Founder of Keap
(formerly Infusionsoft)

Ryan Deiss
CEO of

Steve Bennett
Founder of Software Warehouse and, 2 time winner of the Sunday Times Fast Track 100
Every Quarter, the Top Performers Get Put in the “Hot Seat” to Share What’s Working Now

At each Success Mastermind meeting, 4 of the UK’s top entrepreneurs compete to win the title of “Masterminder of the Quarter”.
Why should you care?
Because in order to win they have to share their ideas, their strategies, their results, essentially their secret sauce that put them in the hot seat.
What does this mean for you?
It means you have the opportunity to learn from businesses that are getting the best results right now.
You have the chance to apply these same strategies to your business and see similar results.
These finalists are the cream of the crop and are chosen out of dozens of highly successful members because of their amazing stories.
Work on Your Business in a State of the Art Conference Center

Meetings are held at warwick conferences
Hotel-Styled Rooms for Overnight Stay

Food & Dining
Throughout the day you may need re-energising or fancy a nibble. That’s why we provide unlimited tea, coffee and refreshments.
Delicious food will also be available each day using locally sourced ingredients that support leading local producers. Fine food, cooked well and to your requirements.
Inspiring spaces for working and networking
Throughout Warwick Conferences you will find nice areas for working and networking with other members. There’s free wifi as well as free tea, coffee and snacks throughout the day to make your time outside the meetings as enjoyable and productive as possible.

This is your change to try before you buy
Apply Below to Attend our Next Meeting as a Guest to Experience Success Mastermind
Requirements to Attend
Your business must be earning at least £250,000 annual revenue and have value to offer the group. This is a 2-way street. The reason you will get so much value from this group is because we only accept people that have value to offer.
Make a good impression on our members. We put our existing members first. You must meet the approval of the existing members to join.
Cost to Attend
To attend as a guest you must pay a discounted rate of £500 + vat. You can only get this discounted guest rate for your first meeting.
If you have a bad experience or feel like you didn’t get your money’s worth for any reason, we will issue you a refund. This has never happened before but the guarantee is there if you need it, as long as you show up. We will not issue a refund for no-shows.
The results speak for themselves
Member Case Studies

Nick Bolton
Animas Center for Coaching

“The business is flourishing. We are turning over around about three and a half to 4 million, and making about one and a half million profit.”
When I first met Dan, my business was probably six months old. I was probably turning over in the region of £50-£60,000. Today the business is flourishing. We are turning over around about three and a half to 4 million, and making about one and a half million profit.
The reason why I’m here today is because I needed what I described to somebody recently as a business Botox injection. And I find that Dan gives me the best Botox. I find that there are times when I need to come back to Dan’s space and get re-injected with fresh vision, fresh strategic input, and a little bit of a whip, in a sense, to bring myself back on track. Refresh my vision, do something special, and so I came here.
I’ve always opted for the Private Mastermind. I find that it’s the specific space I need to really focus on my business, my balance sheet, my P&L. Now, I know that different people need different things, but for me as a bigger business owner and somebody that cares about really getting that right, that PMM’s huge for me.

Lisa Catto
The Business Catalyst

“What I love about being in the mastermind is that I’m only one phone call away from having any problem solved.”
For someone that’s contemplating signing up for the mastermind program, I’d say if you need to have a better business, then you need to be a better business owner. What I love about being in the mastermind is that I’m only one phone call away from having any problem solved. I can have the education that I need, the books that I need to read, the advice that I need. There’s pretty much somebody in the mastermind who has already experienced any problem or any challenge that I’m having in my business. It’s all in the sharing. When you hear what other people are going through, you’re just learning so much all the time, and that’s what I love. And also being around like-minded people, which I don’t necessarily have every day in my everyday world.
When I first joined Dan’s mastermind I was in a completely different business, a business that wasn’t healthy for me, for my mindset, for my finances. It just wasn’t right for me. With the coaching that I got from Dan, from the group of masterminders that I met with every quarter, I was chivvied along to make the right decision for me. They had the objectivity that was required, and the non-emotional state, and were able to see things that I had complete blind spots on. I was really grateful for that. And since letting go, shall we say, of that business, which was just before COVID, I have since thrived beyond belief. If you’d said to me a year ago that I’d have six figures in the bank now, and I wouldn’t be stressing about money, and I’d be having a nice time, I would’ve thought you were completely insane.
Today I’m in a much better place, mindset, financially, business wise with direction, and I wake up excited every day to work on my business. I even won Masterminder of the Quarter last quarter as a result of relaunching what was my side hustle into a very successful business.

Paul Gough
Paul Gough Physio Rooms

“Profit wise we were making half a million at the time when I first joined Dan…
Fast forward to where we are today and last year was just under two and a half million in clear profit”
Before Mastermind our annual revenue was just under a million. And I was actually with Dan on a consulting day the day that I hit one million in revenue for the very first time. Profit wise we were making half a million at the time when I first joined Dan. Fast forward to where we are today and last year was just under two and a half million in clear profit.
So what would I tell somebody that is thinking about joining Mastermind? I would tell them you must be absolutely crazy to think that you can build a business on your own. Being involved in Mastermind is the easiest way to grow – the leverage that you get, the ideas, the momentum, the advice, the hallway conversations are often worth the admission alone. For me, being in Mastermind is always about being around successful people.

Alexis Kingsbury

“We were doing revenues significantly under £200,000 and we were making a loss…
We’ve got to a point now where we’re starting to push to the seven figures and 30% profit margins.”
When we first started in the program we only had one employee and now we’re a team of 12. I’ve learned so much through the program. It’s helped me to build a team with really great talent. Back in 2015, when I first joined Dan’s program, we were doing revenues significantly under £200,000 and we were making a loss. I felt like we weren’t going to be big enough for the program but it’s been amazing over the years. Very quickly we got to a point of making profit. We’ve since been growing about 40% year on year. We’ve got to a point now where we’re starting to push to the seven figures and 30% profit margins.
If there was someone that was considering the program, I’d say that for myself and other business owners it has been instrumental in helping identify the key things that they need to do differently to get different results. Whether that’s really understanding the numbers and working out what’s actually making them money, whether it’s helping them to grow their top line and identify what are the processes and practices that they’re not doing currently and need to be, or even just changing their mindset so that they’re able to think differently and grow their business successfully.
I’ve seen it work for so many people now that anyone who is having second thoughts about it really shouldn’t. I’ve learned so many things over the years working with Dan. If I had to pick one thing, which is basically impossible, early on I would say it was definitely getting on top of the numbers. In recent years it has been the mindset expansion and changing the way I think about myself as a business owner. The program has been amazing.

Alison Boyle
LA Marketing

“I’ve gone from -4% net profit to 37% profit in four years, and it’s been unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable”
Before joining mastermind I was losing money and I didn’t have a grasp of my numbers at all. I didn’t understand, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. And when I look back now, I’m astounded at actually what I didn’t know as an entrepreneur.
I’ve gone from -4% net profit to 37% profit in four years, and it’s been unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. First question is to ask yourself is how serious you are about your business? If you are serious about your business and you’re stuck or you want to move the needle or you want to move it forward I absolutely would not hesitate to recommend the mastermind program because the change has been phenomenal.

Becky Dennis
Fitness Flex

“We were taking a loss and we didn’t even realize it because we didn’t understand our finances…
We’ve managed to increase our gross profit margin to 44%”
I’ve been in the mastermind program for five years. When we first started the business, we thought we were doing okay, but we didn’t really have a clue about business or finances. What was good? What was bad? And so it was a big eye-opener when we first joined Dan. One of the biggest things that Dan kind of drilled on us from the very beginning was finances and making sure that we had enough cash in the bank.
Thanks to what we learned in Mastermind we were actually in quite a good position when the pandemic started. We knew that we would be able to pay the staff for at least three months, pay the bills. We went into the pandemic in a good headspace after learning from Dan.
Before we started with Dan’s program it was just myself and my husband running the business, and no other staff. I can’t even remember what the revenue was, but revenue was quite low. We were making a negative 7% gross profit margin. We were taking a loss and we didn’t even realize it because we didn’t understand our finances. Now jumping forward five years we have five fully employed staff, four self-employed staff, and myself and my husband work about six hours a week. And in those five years, we’ve managed to increase our gross profit margin to 44%.
For someone contemplating joining Dan’s mastermind program I can say that we contemplate it every year, and we’re continuously renewing. We’re five years in now and I can see us being here for the foreseeable future.

Chris Mathews

“When I first started with Dan we were doing around £40K a month in revenue. We’re now doing 10 times that figure”
Alevere is a chain of nine clinics around the UK and we specialize in helping patients who have three stone or more to lose, tried three or more weight loss programs, have been trying to lose weight for over three years. We have 9 clinics and we employ a team of 60.
I first met Dan back in 2009, just as I was starting out on my entrepreneurial journey and I’ve been paying him money ever since to give me great advice. The best thing I find from being part of his mastermind group is that it allows me to think through strategic decisions and bounce them off other people, particularly off Dan. Over the last 10 years in the mastermind group Dan has helped me avoid some daft decisions I would have made.
When I first started with Dan we were doing around £40K a month in revenue. We’re now doing 10 times that figure. Dan’s been there with me through that growth, through the stress, the strain, the pressure, the ups, the downs. Over that period of time the mastermind groups have been there to help me with decisions that I would not have put the thinking time into unless I knew I was going to one of these meetings.
If somebody were to ask me about the mastermind program I would say definitely do it. When you’re in business, you can’t necessarily see the things that you need to see. The whole cliche about you can’t see the forest for the trees is never truer than it is for an entrepreneur. You’re in the thick of it. You’re not seeing day-to-day the big picture. That’s what a mastermind group helps you do and that’s what it’s helped me do for the last 10 years.

Georgia Kirke
Write Business Results

“A year and a half later and we’ve increased net profit by 12,600%. Things are definitely looking significantly better. ”
Before I joined mastermind my business was something I was really, really passionate about and worked incredibly hard on, but I didn’t have a full grip on it from a financial perspective at all. Decisions were made creatively, intuitively. I’m 18 months into mastermind and things are very different now.
I am now in a place now where I’ve been able to build an in-house team and I’m extricating myself from the day-to-day running of the business. This was really what I was aiming for when I joined in the first place. I’m making more financially conscious decisions about how to grow the business and how to run things on a day-to-day basis. I’m in a position where I’m out of that feast and famine cycle that you’re in when you’re not fully on top of things and there’s no clear focus and strategy. Now I can say what’s going to be happening in a month, three months, 12 months from now.
I’m pleased to say that from a numbers perspective, there have been drastic changes. One of the first things I learned in mastermind was that actually I hadn’t realized the difference between revenue and turnover and that really struck me. A year and a half later and we’ve increased net profit by 12,600%. Things are definitely looking significantly better. Revenue has increased 120% and turnover’s increased 125%. Bear in mind, a lot of these changes came about during the pandemic in 2020.

Ian Morgan
MBS Accountants

“Our profits have over doubled and the cashflow and the cash in the bank is massively more comfortable than it was before ”
We joined Dan’s Mastermind Program in 2019. Prior to joining we had built a relatively successful business, but annoyingly, even as an accountant, we hadn’t managed to truly make good money.
Being involved with Dan has given us that extra focus on what’s actually the point of the business – and it’s obviously to make money. The great thing is, whilst revenues haven’t really increased over the last few years (probably 30% or so) what has happened is our profits have over doubled and the cashflow and the cash in the bank is massively more comfortable than it was before.
If somebody was considering signing up to the Mastermind, definitely my view is do it. My view of coaching and Masterminds prior to this was it was a bit airy-fairy, and was it really delivering any real value? But actually having been there, and taken the risk and taken the leap, I now realize how much I was holding everything back. I’d reached the peak of what my knowledge and capabilities were, and this is taking me to another level.

Josh Rylatt
Transformation Fit

“I’ve increased my profit by 400%”
Before joining Dan’s mastermind my business was a mess. There were some core things that we were doing really well but I didn’t have any of the real kind of business skills which can truly set you free as a business owner. I’d just sit down with my accountant at the end of the year, and he’d tell me how much money I made or lost that year, and I’d just kind of nod my head and agree with whatever he was saying, because I didn’t really understand it.
I didn’t even realize how much I had learned through Mastermind until we were told, “You’ve got to close your gym {because of Covid}.” We had to make several different kinds of cashflow forecasts depending on three different scenarios. Before the mastermind, I didn’t even know how to do one cashflow forecast, so being able to forecast three different cashflow scenarios based on different kind of situations was massive for us.
It showed me how to be a leader in a situation like this. I realized the importance of communication. The same way that Dan and his team were communicating with us to help lead us through it, I was doing the same thing with my staff and my clients. Learning from these guys in terms of leadership as well as business was massively beneficial.
Since joining Dan’s mastermind I’ve increased my profit by 400%. Throughout COVID my revenue has stayed the same, but I see that as a massive benefit, considering that we’ve had nine months of closure within our business. I feel like I’m a more competent person, a calmer person. I feel more confident in myself and my capabilities as a business owner and also as a leader to my staff as well, because we don’t just learn about how to do accounts and how to do marketing, how to do sales. We get taught how to look after our team better and how to manage our time.

Liam Hobbs
KLR Solutions
“Surround yourself with like-minded people”
I’ve been in the program since December 2020. My impression so far is just how important it is to surround yourself with like-minded people, people with growth, people who aren’t growing… They’ve all left their ego outside. We’re all here to learn and that’s what I really enjoy about it – the learning. It’s enabled us to do no end of things in our business.
If you’re thinking about signing up for the program, just do it. I signed up for SMM initially and after one Success Mastermind workshop, I just knew that I had to go on to Private Mastermind because Dan’s the headline and I wanted Dan looking into my business and just to get the most out of the programme.

Omar Miqdadi

“I would recommend every single business owner who is considering making that personal investment into their own development to definitely do it 100%”
I started the program in 2019. I did arrive in some pain. I was one of those distressed business owners who had a number of issues I was firefighting. But at the same time, I was unsure if I would actually learn anything. But actually I learned loads about lots of very business-critical subjects.
I don’t regret joining one bit and I would recommend every single business owner who is considering making that personal investment into their own development to definitely do it 100% – they wouldn’t regret it. Dan Bradbury, his group, his company will make sure that you receive value from your investment.
I’ve been in business for 18 years and I thought that I knew it all. Dan has shown me very quickly that I don’t. Dan, Kevin and the team have taught me so, so, so, so much on a regular basis. And I’ve learned so much from the PMM group – they hold me accountable on a quarterly basis. That has been extremely valuable because I believe as business owners, we stall on decisions and we lengthen them, and without the rest of my peers and the PMM group and Dan and Kevin, I would not make decisions as quickly as I would otherwise. I wouldn’t have been as decisive and I wouldn’t have been as effective.

Richard Cundiff
MJC Developments
“The last 12 months has been the most profitable 12 months of the company’s history”
Prior to joining Dan’s Mastermind we were a family business. My dad passed away, so it was solely me in charge. I’d been involved anyway for quiet a long time, but I wasn’t clued up… I thought I was more clued up than what I was on certain things. The business was coasting – it was a good business, but I knew there was a lot more there. Joining Dan’s Mastermind really is what made me more of a smart business, and actually put me on the right track to start creating more goals in the business and actually focus on where we could take it.
I’ve been involved in Dan’s Mastermind now for three years. We’re 25% up on revenue, and then the last 12 months, including being in COVID, has been the most profitable 12 months of the company’s history. If you’re considering signing up, to me, it’s a must, really. It’s made me a better business owner, it’s made me better on the numbers, it’s made me really understand the financial statements and the numbers, which is where most decisions are driven from now. It’s also given me more freedom, more time, and actually made me understand more about business and targets and goals.

Sarah Boyle
LA Marketing

“The main, biggest benefit we’ve had, and the skill we have been taught, is to actually think more strategically instead of just going tactically”
We have been in Mastermind since 2017. Before Mastermind we were in a trap where we were just focusing on tactics, and we were almost in a hamster wheel of “let’s do this, let’s do that” and we weren’t thinking bigger picture. Now we have been taught how to think strategically. We don’t just go for the knee jerk reaction of, “Oh, we should be doing this.” We’ve been taught to think, “Well, why do we need to do that? What is the bigger goal that is helping us achieve?” The main, biggest benefit we’ve had, and the skill we have been taught, is to actually think more strategically instead of just going tactically.
I would say do it for many reasons. The coaching, the community. It has been fantastic to be in a room full of business owners who are like-minded. We’re all working towards the same goal, which is ultimately improving our businesses and furthering our personal lives. So do it.