Finance Masterclass
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Module 1 : Financial Literacy - Understanding the Numbers
Self made billionaire Warren Buffett said “If you can’t read the scoreboard you don’t know the score, and if you don’t know the score you cant tell the winners from the losers” and he was right. If you want to play the game of business and WIN, not just once, but have sustained success over a career you must be financially literate. Most business owners are financially illiterate.
Most business owners are constantly stressed about money and borderline insolvent. Those two statements aren’t a coincidence. By the end of this module you will understand more about business finance than the vast majority of business owners.
Module 2 : Your Financial Team - Who to Hire and What They Do
The reason so many business owners struggle with their finances is they don’t know what financial roles need performing, and even if they did, they don’t how to tell the difference between a good and a bad accountant/bookkeeper/financial controller. So they get strung along with inferior performance in their finance department at best and outright incompetence at worst.
In this module you’ll understand what roles you need to hire for, what a world class performance looks like in each area and where to find them
MODULE 3: Cash is King - The Secret to Building Fort Knox
Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity and CASH is king. You’ve heard the saying, but what does it even mean? In this module you will learn a simple 3 part system practiced by the very strongest companies in the world and see real life examples of how to start applying it in your business immediately.
Dan Bradbury