Are you usually the smartest person in the room?

Our Events Put You In An Environment to Make Strategic Connections and Surround Yourself with Smarter People

The only true shortcuts in business are people. Put yourself in a room with the right ones.

In my opinion, Dan Bradbury’s courses, workshops and mastermind programmes are the best out there for business owners who want – and will do the work – to grow a profitable, sustainable and valuable business which will help them achieve their personal financial goals. While all the other business coaches I’ve come across just talk about growing revenue and clients, Dan and his team talk about growing profits and increasing the valuation of your business. They’ll also give you tools, coaching, support and connections to make it a reality.

Jon Taylor

Why should you attend?

It’s Essential That You Take Time To Work Strategically On The Business

Don’t make the mistake of getting so caught up in the day-to-day aspects of your business that you stop trying to develop and improve it.

We all know that if you keep doing the same things, you’re going to get the same results.

If you want to decrease your expenses and your workload as well as increase your profits and the overall value of your business then come along to one of our events and let us help you like we have helped so many others in your same position.


Connecting with other business owners

There are no shortcuts in business…

Except people.

Making strategic connections with successful business owners can catapult your business to the next level whether it be through a strategic partnership or getting advice from someone that had already solved the very same problem that you are currently facing in your business.


Get A Kick In The Backside For Not Doing What You Already Know

Let’s face it, if you have made it this far in business you probably know your stuff.

A typical problem that happens when you are doing well is that you can become complacent with where you are in your business and stop developing it.

Don’t make this mistake. Have you implemented everything you know?

Let us take a look into your business and give you the reminder that there is always room for improvement.


What results can you expect to see after you have attended?

5 results you can expect after attending our events


Transition from Operator to Owner (MORE TIME, LESS STRESS)

If you’ve ever seen Dan speak before then you’ve probably heard his famous quote “If you want a better business, you need to be a better business owner”.

The first step to that is becoming a strategic business owner, working ON the business and stepping back from working IN the business. 

This allows you more time and less stress but it is one of the most difficult transformations to make if you don’t know the right way to do it.



Increase the Value of Your Business

This is so important but it’s not a subject you hear much about unless you are wanting to sell.

There is a reason that some businesses are worth more than others even if they have the same profits and revenue.

You want your business to be stable and have the least amount of risk possible. Dan learned this lesson the hard way when an accident took him out of commission for several months and he almost lost his business as a result.

Since then, it has been the top priority to have a sustainable, risk free business that is not dependent on any one person.



Shift Your Focus from Revenue to Profits & Personal Wealth

Everywhere you look you see Gurus preaching about increasing your revenue, having million pound weekend promotions and X ways to increase sales.

Rarely do you hear about increasing profit and personal wealth.

That’s where we are different.

What’s the point of having a multi-million pound business and all of the work and stress that comes with it if there’s no profit and you are not achieving your personal goals?



Broaden Your Network

If this is your excuse then you don’t truly understand what our events are.

Forget the topic, forget the people in the room with you, in fact forget us entirely.

What you are left with is taking 1 or 2 full days away from your office, without interruptions, to strategically work on your business.

If you don’t think that that will work, then nothing will.

Now, add back in everything you just “forgot” and that’s just icing on the cake to supercharge your strategic thinking.



A New Strategic Perspective

When you are as close to something as you are your business, it’s almost like you are wearing blinders.

Getting a new perspective on your challenges, plans and business as a whole can shed new light on your operation. Problems that at first seemed difficult can be resolved with ease.

Our programmes are tailored for real business people with real experience. Not only will you get a new perspective from Dan and his team but you will have access to successful business owners across many industries that have experienced the same challenges that you are facing now.


Reviews from Some of Our Recent Attendees

All of the reviews below were taken from our public reviews on Facebook and Google. You can find more on those platforms as well.

I recently attended Dan Bradbury’s 1 day Business Planning workshop. The workshop was an inspirational day where I was able to focus on the elements of my business that will really drive it forward. Dan was an energetic facilitator that was able to weave his experience with tools and learning that is directly applicable to my business. I am able to look forward to 2019 with a clear action plan that will grow my business. The real learning came when i became aware of how much money i was ” leaving on the table” and what i could do to change that.

Leonore Lord

Excellent day and content. Dan knows his numbers and the day was well structured with a good tempo and Dan addressed all of the questions he was asked.

Michael Cotler

In my opinion, Dan Bradbury’s courses, workshops and mastermind programmes are the best out there for business owners who want – and will do the work – to grow a profitable, sustainable and valuable business which will help them achieve their personal financial goals.

While all the other business coaches I’ve come across just talk about growing revenue and clients, Dan and his team talk about growing profits and increasing the valuation of your business. They’ll also give you tools, coaching, support and connections to make it a reality.

I’ve been in Dan’s programme for nearly 3 years now and I’ll be renewing for years to come because the ROI speaks for itself. Infact, I don’t know anybody who’s been in the mastermind for a reasonable length of time to let the implementation of Dan’s advice take effect who hasn’t seen their business suddenly get the next level of traction and see their profits and business value grow significantly.

Jon Taylor

All the gurus told me to market harder. Try ‘this tactic’, ‘this strategy’, use ‘this app’, ‘this tool’ and your business will see exponential growth (beyond my ‘wildest dreams’). So I kept marketing harder but the exponential growth didn’t come. While Dan is a proven A class marketer, his approach is about being a better business owner, focus on and do the fundamentals very very well and growth will come.

Within a couple of hours of the first event I was a convert. We’re now very happy members of his coaching community of focused, driven and open minded entrepreneurs all building our businesses on solid foundations using the evergreen principles taught and coached by him and his amazing team.

Brad Lazarus

Outstanding! I would have given 10 stars if I could! The team are incredible, super supportive and helpful. I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of Dan and his team – especially my awesome coach Kevin. If you’re serious about growing a profitable business, THIS is where it’s at. World-class training and an amazing community of like-minded individuals all supporting one another. It really doesn’t get better than this!

Arfa Saira Iqbal

If you are thinking about how to build your business, get the right foundations in place with top quality coaching and events from Dan and his team. Stop thinking and get involved, you won’t be disappointed.

Gavin Scott

If you are thinking about how to build your business, get the right foundations in place with top quality coaching and events from Dan and his team. Stop thinking and get involved, you won’t be disappointed.

Greg Smith

Working with Dan and his team has transformed my business. It’s the wisest investment I have ever made. You won’t be disappointed.

Graham Hooper

Dan is a successful entrepreneur who shares his recipe for success. His workshops gives you great insight into how to make your financial numbers work for your business.

Tri Coaching

Very informative day, great mix of speakers each giving an insight as to how they grew their business. Took away some key things to implement.

Vantage Sport Nutrition Ltd

Thank you for exceeding my expectations.

Melanie Poynter

If you want to be coached you need someone who has actually been there and done it not just read books about coaching. Dan Bradbury has definitely walked the walk and doesn’t just talk the talk!

Simon John Fisher

A fabulous team delivering amazing content, a real game changer for you and your business!

Barbara Khattri

If you run a business Dan can help you make it bigger and better, smart guy

Richard Harborne

Event Topics

We dive deeper into your business development


Turnover is Vanity Profit is Sanity

This workshop is about beefing up your business so that it can become more stable, profitable and less dependent on you.

I go into detail about how I prepared 2 of my businesses before making 7 figure exits.

That doesn’t mean that you need to be interested in selling your business to attend. The methods taught in this course will strengthen your overall business.

All of the skills & techniques that you learn here will make your business more valuable, not only to potential buyers and investors, but to you as the business owner.

Here’s what we cover:

  • Eliminating Risk
  • Operational Efficiency (reducing expense ratios)
  • Retention (retaining happy clients, not losing existing clients)
  • Repeat Purchases (multiplies margin)
  • Raising Average Order Values
  • Increasing Conversion Rates
  • Reaching Ideal Clients
  • Referral Systems
  • And Much More!

23rd July 2019

Warwick Conferences

20th August 2019

Warwick Conferences

More Dates TBA

Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event

Mastermind Experience

Every quarter 50 of the brightest and fastest growing small businesses from the UK and across Europe get together as part of my SMM program.

We share what’s working now, as well as get into any problems that are holding you back to propel you forward in the next quarter in a profitable and sustainable way.

We invite a small handful of guests to come along and experience the SMM meeting for themselves before deciding to commit to the program.

If you are interested in knowing more about this exclusive group, apply for a spot to find out more.

When you attend you will get:

  • Guidance and help – To shift you from being a part of your business to a real business owner!
  • Laser focus – This isn’t about doing the newest or latest thing, rather this is about helping you get focused on what works for YOU.
  • Sustainable growth – Help you eliminate the ‘boom or bust’ cycles within your business – no more scary months!

24th-25th Sept 2019

Warwick Conferences

More Dates TBA

Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event

Private Mastermind Experience

If you look at big companies, you will find they have a board of directors which is where the strategic thinking level conversations take place.

Most small companies don’t have that advice and insight, so we create it in this program.

We have the highest renewal rate for mastermind in the industry by far and away because we don’t put “Pretenders” in the programme. This is for serious, committed, successful business owners that will raise the level of each individual in this small and exclusive group.

We only accept people that are committed to doing the hard work necessary to make the programme work.

The purpose of these quarterly board meetings is to rip your strategic plan to shreds.

You come prepared with your strategic plan, your budget, your financials and a report on what happened in the previous quarter.

We are going to rip it apart and find all of the holes.

It may be impossible to make it bullet proof, but we’re sure as hell going to try.

If you want to have reliable, predictable, sustainable success, you need to get your ego out of the way and be prepared to be vulnerable. Find out where you’re limiting your company’s growth.


    This session will be scheduled at your convenience

    Strategic Planning Day

    If you ask pretty much any business owner if they want to grow, they will tell you yes, but the reality is that most aren’t prepared to do what it takes.

    It’s fake ambition.

    It’s like wanting to have six pack abs but not wanting to diet or exercise the right way.

    Think about this. Nobody has ever won an Olympic gold medal through effort alone.

    Every single top achieving world champion athlete has coaches, supporters and detailed rigorous training plans to encourage them to improve and to get optimal performance. 

    I believe business is the same.

    Back in the late 2000s my primary business plateaued at about half a million in revenue. I grew quickly for the first few years and then the growth stopped. I just got stuck there for about three years, because the truth is, I was winging it.

    Once I cracked this “planning” thing, I shot from approximately half a million to five million in revenue in just under two years.

    I also sold that business later for a seven figure sum. It’s that powerful.

    You’re going to leave this one day workshop with:

    •  A clear outline, a clear strategic plan, focus and budget.
    • You’re going to know what needs to be done, who needs to do it and exactly when it needs to be done.

    More Dates TBA

    Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event

    Private Strategy Session 

    This session is all about you. This is a half day session with Dan where he will dive specifically into your business. You will need to come prepared with full details about your business and the challenges that you are currently having as well as your goals and plans.

    Dan will sit with you and help you devise a plan of attack that will help you reach your goals.

    Here’s what we cover:

    • Business health check – find out where your real problems are and eliminate them
    • Discover the hidden assets in your business and take advantage of the low hanging fruit for rapid growth
    • Get your questions answered one-on-one by Dan


    This session will be scheduled at your convenience

    Financial Mastery 

    This workshop is on Business Finance. How to find and understand your numbers and then leverage them to radically increase your profits.

    Do you ever wonder why Dan is so fixated on finance?

    It’s because he’s seen too many business owners make fatal decisions based on a lousy grasp of their numbers.

    In the end, even people who thought they knew it all didn’t know as much as they should.

    Dan will tell you himself that he learned some of this vital information only in the nick of time to avert major catastrophe.

    Here’s a taste of what will be covered:

    • Why Financial Accounts Are The ‘Language Of Business’ and more importantly, how knowing your numbers will increase your profits and cash
    • The Top 3 Numbers You Must Understand for an instant financial health check for your company
    • Get More Money In Your Bank Account Within 30 Days. There are just 5 levels of improving operating cash flow. Most business owners only understand one or two. Get all five and watch your bank account soar!
    • Why Financial Literacy Is The Number One Skill To Scale Your Business whilst also making it less dependent on you.
    • Five Questions You MUST Ask An Accountant Before You Hire Them (And if your current accountant can’t answer them, fire them immediately!)
    • A Super Simple Process To See If You Are Overpaying Tax (and due a rebate)
    • How To Make Banks Desperate To Lend You Money! (this is a game changer!)

    24th July 2019

    Warwick Conferences

    21st August 2019

    Warwick Conferences

    More Dates TBA

    Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event

    Mastering Time & Delegation 

    Dan has worked with thousands of business owners and by far the number one problem is managing their time.

    They spend far too much time working in their business doing tasks that should be handled by employees or outsourced.

    These tasks provide very small returns for the time and effort invested but they are tasks that must get done by someone. Sound familiar?

    So why aren’t these tasks being performed by someone else so that the business owner can work on high value strategic tasks?

    The recurring answers that we hear are probably the very same things you tell yourself whilst doing these things…

    “It’s easier and faster if I just do it myself”

    “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself”

    “I’ve tried to delegate but things just don’t get done the right way”

    “No one else knows how to do this stuff”

    “I can’t afford to hire someone to do this for me”

    If you find yourself making similar statements to yourself and you know that your time could be better spent working on higher value tasks, then this workshop is for you.

    Here’s what we cover:

    • How to free up your time
    • Re-evaluate what you should be working on and what you should be outsourcing and delegating
    • The proper way to get someone to do something the right way. (Most people get this wrong)
    • How to make your team members solve their own problems and stop asking you so many questions
    • Relieve the stress of having to be responsible for everything in your business
    • How to find people to work for you that are smarter than you
    • How to track and measure your team’s progress

    15th May 2019

    Warwick Conferences

    More Dates TBA

    Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event

    Strategic Connections 

    You’ve probably already read this here but read it again because it’s true. The only shortcuts in business are people.

    Nothing can propel your business better or faster than making a strategic connection with the right person.

    This could be finding a person with a complementary business and forming a partnership or it could be as simple as meeting someone that has already solved that one problem that is holding you back.

    But how do you find these people? What do you do when you find them?

    Here’s what we cover:

    • How to find strategic partners
    • How to find mentors that can help you
    • Where to go to put yourself in the right situation to connect with influencers
    • What to do when you meet a potential strategic connection
    • How to manage relationships with successful people
    • How to create the ultimate peer group

    16th May 2019

    Warwick Conferences

    More Dates TBA

    Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event

    Super Speed Reading

    In this one day workshop you’re going to learn the six key components of speed reading.

    Dan has taught this programme for over ten years around the world.

    This is the system that he developed that took him from being an average reader to placing 6th in the Speed Reading World Championship in only 18 months.

    The next year that Dan competed he placed 3rd, taking home the bronze medal.

    Dan is going to show you how to use the very same system.

    Each time he teaches this system, he tests his students before and after the workshop. The average result is an increase in more than 100% in speed with the same level of comprehension in one day!

    This is a tremendously powerful skill.

      More Dates TBA

      Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event


      6-2-6 Workshop 

      At the 6-2-6 Workshop we’re not going to tell you how you COULD transform your business from 6 figure revenue to 6 figure profits.

      We’re going to show you exactly how WE ALREADY DID IT in a variety of different businesses.

      This workshop takes the phrase “I’ll show you how it’s done” as literal as you can take it.

      The best way to learn is from examples. Real life examples.

      Model people who have already achieved what you want to achieve. Not just learning some theory.

      If you can learn from people that have already been there and done it, you can fast track the success, but more importantly you can avoid the mistakes and the setbacks and the pit falls that make being a business owner so difficult.

      Here’s why the 6-2-6 Workshop is like like nothing you’ve ever attended:

      • You will hear from a variety of business owners that will tell you how they made the transformation from six figure revenues to six figure profits.
      • You get to participate by having a discussion with these successful business owners to find out how to apply the strategies that worked for them to your business
      • Not a single bit of information at this event is “theory”. It’s a discussion of what has worked for them and what is working right now.
      • These presenters are not selling. They are brought in for the sole purpose of helping you grow your PROFITS.

      More Dates TBA

      Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event

      Rapid Scaling Workshop

      Why isn’t your business 10x the size that it is today?

      Most business owners want bigger, more profitable businesses that are less dependent on them… but those things are the effect, not the cause.

      Growing an independent and profitable company means having the right foundations in place before you can scale.

      There are 5 critical areas you must get right in order to scale rapidly…

      The truth is, if you’re stuck in the 6-figure range and frustrated because you can’t seem to break into 7 figures and beyond, you probably don’t have the foundations in place to sustain growth.

      There are 5 key foundations for business growth:

      • Strategy – You’ll hit a revenue ceiling if you’ve got the wrong business model or the wrong target market. This must be established first.
      • Systems – People think when they get big, then they’ll get organised. Wrong! To paraphrase Bill Gates, if your business is disorganised, trying to scale it will only magnify the inefficiency.
      • Scorecards – Financial scorecards are the feedback loop which gives you an accurate overview of the health of your business and how your strategy is working. Most business owners are financially illiterate. They will never get beyond 7 figures, at least not sustainably, unless one of the key leaders understands how the numbers inter-relate to their strategy.
      • Superstar Team – The growth of your company will never sustainably exceed the growth of your team. You need to be able to attract, recruit and inspire A players.

        Said differently, “CRAPPY TEAM = CRAPPY RESULTS”

      • Support Network – You become like the people you hang around with. Scaling big requires surrounding yourself with the right advisors, accountants, tax advisers, lawyers and mentors. They’ll help you avoid the pitfalls on your path to success over the long term.

      28th-29th May 2019

      Warwick Conferences

      More Dates TBA

      Register now to get on the waiting list for the next event

      Why wouldn’t you attend?

      The top 5 reasons people don’t attend
      (and why your reasons aren’t good enough)


      You don’t have the time to attend

      You already know that if this is the reason you can’t attend then it’s also the reason that you must attend.

      We’ve helped so many business owners focus on the important work they do and shed all of the unimportant tasks that are dragging them down.

      This means less time working with better faster results.

      So clear your schedule and we will help you get your personal life back and grow your business at the same time.



      You don’t want to travel

      Some of us hate traveling and that’s just a fact of life.

      The problem with trying to work on your business from your home or office are the distractions.

      Your work/personal life isn’t going to just take a break to allow you to strategically work on your business. It just doesn’t happen.

      There’s always going to be problems to solve and distractions that keep you from doing the high level thinking that will create rapid growth in your business.

      Another benefit of traveling to us to work on your business is the perspective that you gain being away from your business.



      You already know this stuff

      There are 2 approaches to addressing this objection.

      1. Ask yourself this. Have you implemented everything that you know? If not, why?

      Since we only work with businesses of a certain size, our events are more about putting you in the right environment and around the right people for you to be able to optimise and implement what you already know in your business.

      2. We aren’t teaching the same old Sales & Marketing stuff you have heard a million times over.

      Our topics dive deep into the infostructure of your business to find your hidden assets, lower your expenses, minimise your risk and optimise your business for maximum growth.



      You don’t believe that it will work

      If this is your excuse then you don’t truly understand what our events are.

      Forget the topic, forget the people in the room.

      What you are left with is taking 1 or 2 full days away from your office, without interruptions, to strategically work on your business.

      If you don’t think that that will work, then nothing will.

      Now, add back in everything you just “forgot” and that’s just icing on the cake to supercharge your strategic thinking.



      Your business can’t run without you

      If this is true, then you are an employee, not a business owner.

      Let us help you change that.

      We can help you make that transition from operator to owner.

      You’re meant to run the business, not the other way around.


      A Sneak Peak Inside Our Events…

      I Had A 505% Increase In Profitability

      Each Month We’re Becoming More And More Profitable

      Life Has Just Got A Lot Easier

      The Venue

      Warwick Conferences – Radcliffe


      University of Warwick, Scarman Road, Lakeside Village, Coventry, CV4 7SH, United Kingdom


      All rooms come with a flat-screen TV and private bathrooms containing towels, complimentary toiletries and a hairdryer. There is a spacious desk area, free high-speed WiFi and a network connection point. Tea/coffee making facilities are also provided, along with an iron, ironing board and trouser press. There is a 24-hour front desk and room service at the property.

      Dining & Refreshments

      Unlimited tea, coffee and refreshments.

      The on-site restaurant serves a la carte and buffet menu options, and a bar and lounge area is available for evening drinks.

      2019 Calendar


      1. We will host extra events, based on demand. If there is a topic that you are interested in but don’t see a date please email

      2. More dates for each event are planned and will be posted. If you can’t make the dates below, apply anyway and we will book you into a future date.

      Strategic Planning Day - January 29th, 2019

      Super Speed Reading - January 30th, 2019

      Strategic Planning Day - February 5th, 2019

      Super Speed Reading - February 6th, 2019

      Avatar Workshop - February 19th-20th, 2019

      Avatar Workshop - March 11th-12th, 2019

      Mastermind Experience - March 19th-20th, 2019

      Rapid Scaling Workshop - April 8th-9th, 2019

      Business Value Maximisation - April 30th, 2019

      Financial Mastery - May 1st, 2019

      Rapid Scaling Workshop - May 28th-29th, 2019

      Business Value Maximisation - May 15th, 2019

      Financial Mastery - May 16th, 2019

      Mastermind Experience - June 25th-26th, 2019

      Turnover is Vanity Profit is Sanity - July 23rd, 2019

      Financial Mastery - July 24th, 2019

      Turnover is Vanity Profit is Sanity - August 20th, 2019

      Financial Mastery - August 21st, 2019

      Mastermind Experience - September 24th-25th, 2019

      Schedule Your Call

      Enter your contact information below and we will get in touch to schedule your call.


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